Thursday, December 4, 2008

Mystery Solved...

...and a showcase of Lively's utility for business.

The Lively Active list was filled with popular company names on December 3rd and December 4th night.

Given the recent decision by Google to shutdown this awesome 3D product, our curiosity was piqued and we speculated on what these companies were doing on Lively! Imagination ran amuck!

Well - here's what it was. The rooms were for the first forum of Weavlink's Virtual High Schools. Quoting from their website (using google's translated page):

Team Weavlink, Thursday November 13 2008 at 17:47:: News

3 and 4 December 2008, we give you the opportunity to participate in the 1st Big Schools virtual forum! This event is organized with the school Supélec and will run
alongside the traditional forum. You are students or graduates of a high school or engineer of Commerce? Meet so privileged in the 3D world of Google Lively, recruiters of the most prestigious and create virtual interviews with the HRD in the context of your job or internship!

TALKS NOW ON section "Events"

Forum Virtuel Supelec 2008 by WEAVLINK

1 comment:

Belavar Planiie said...

You know that world where you need $$, the one where most people are
That one....where you cannot walk under water, turn somersaults in
the clouds, leap from high places?
And you know that thing some people say "There are no
strangers!....only friends you have not yet met"
Well, I have been finding that in THAT world, I am far more tolerant
and "smiley" than for some long time:
because anyone might be a Livelyzen hiding behind that emotional
armor we seem to wear.
And if not already Livelyzens...if ONLY they could be!
Then again, everyone is somebody's child...I hate the way that world
stifles our innocence...BUT! it's STILL THERE!
I have grown younger every day of these 4 months: Thank you
Friends :)