Saturday, March 14, 2009

Lively memory


I can't begin to thank Google for starting Lively. I know I am not the only one. There is a diehard contingency out there, be it a small one, that will never forget or stop missing the place. They tried so hard to save it when Google tolled the death bell in the beginning of December 2008. It was a sad day indeed. We had become like a real life community, with friendships and romances and everything in between. I, myself, had never really belonged to any type of real world community. Real life communities often judge you on how you look, what kind of job you have, and not on who the person is inside of you. This is what made Lively so unique and special. Sure, you could choose to look a certain way with the cute little avatars, but everyone pretty much looked the same. This gave people the chance to let the inner soul within themselves come through. It came out with words, words, the most powerful and accurate way to really know a person. Ah Lively…..I do miss my little Rose……

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