Thursday, June 18, 2009

"MY" Lively - Part III

From Laura:
SNO...w ...... and stars
This room's name was as strange as its owner. When I first met him, and asked, as usual, where he was from, he answered "I'm a nigga from the Moon". This of course made me very curious! His avatar's name was very strange too, "Humilis Lupus", humble wolf in Latin. The av was funny looking, and not very attractive, as you can see here:
One day, I told him, "you look like a Buddhist monk" and he replied, "i was" - but I never got him to explain this. From some of the things he said, I think he might have been. He was very mysterious... it was only after some time I learnt he was Hungarian and his RL name was Robert. He also explained the name of the room: there was a smart 12-year girl from Holland he had made friends with, who he considered a sort of adoptive online daughter, whose name was Sno - so the room had been planned on a word play including her name. One day, he told me where his avatar's name came from. There was a statue in his town showing St. Francis and the wolf. It's a legend, according to which St. Francis spoke to a wolf that was terrorising the town of Gubbio, and convinced him to go away.
The room had a screen, which was sometimes on the ground, sometimes in the air, usually playing sad music. Even if he had a good sense of humour too, and chatting with him was very nice, I always had the impression HL was a sad person.
One evening, an even stranger avy arrived. It had dark hair standing on its head like a madman. He was an Italian, so I pretended not to understand. I hate talking to Italians online. He started insulting us, so in the end I responded and he was very angry with me. He started stalking me, and i didn't know i could block people then, so i created a new avatar, Eric Red Cat:
The unpleasant Italian disappeared and I went back to my usual human form. Weeks later, a new avatar appeared saying insulting things in Italian. It was, of course, the same person. He followed me to my room. This time, i didn't run away, but i told him: "look, if you wanna talk, let's talk. But if you are insulting, I'll just block you." We chatted for half an hour and, evidently satisfied with the attention I gave him, he never turned up again.
Like Yaniv, HL emigrated to first life long before Lively closed down. We kept in touch for a bit on gmail and gchat, but then he disappeared. I was a bit disappointed but, after all, if they go... they are not real friends right? So I just let him go. With some people we have lasting friendships and with some others... we just walk a little bit on our path.
Keep reading Livelyzens!

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